Case’s Research Endeavors...
“If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done”
- Wittgenstein -
While touting the need for broad applicability, Academia often forces people to choose a narrow specialty within an even narrower sub-field. I eschew this practice – as I argue in this Op-Ed, Chapter Two of my book, & elsewhere – focusing instead on removing traditional disciplinary restrictions and bridging perceived divides. Perhaps because of this, I’ve been an invited reviewer for numerous books, articles, and grant proposals, served in multiple (international) advisory capacities, presented my research or been an invited speaker nearly 60 times at different professional functions, authored almost 70 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and penned more than two-dozen commentary pieces – all of which span my discipline’s gamut. Alongside these accomplishments, I serve as the Science, Technology, and Law Representative for The University of the West Indies Press Editorial Committee, as well as the Associate Director of the interdisciplinary Stone Heritage Research Alliance. I have also published four books (as sole editor or co-editor) and five different training and reference manuals, including an introductory physical geography laboratory manual used at different universities across the US.
Ongoing and Past Projects
Geomorphology & Rock/Stone Deterioration Science:
Exploring the Science of Scenery...
Stone deterioration of cultural/historic/ancient edifices
Normal Sicily Project (Italy, c. 1061-1194 CE)
Stobi, Republic of North Macedonia (200-600 CE)
Effects of sea-level rise on Heritage Sites (Caribbean)
- Petroglyph geologic stability assessment in Wadi Rum (Jordan) and Petrified Forest NP (AZ) via RASI
Rapid field-based assessments and hazards
Biocrust biogeomorphology and micrometeorology
Experiential Education:
Promoting in situ Learning at all Levels...
My Geography by Rail® program...
Using concept maps help validate fieldwork’s importance in learning (award winning paper)
Fieldwork’s role in rock & stone decay science
Online geography graduate programs
Critical pedagogy in geography
Being named an Early Career Scholar by the Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education
Humanistic Geography:
Appreciating the Individual’s Sense & Spirit of Place...
Landscape connections:
Rock Art of the Lesser Antilles
Making science accessible/Science communication
My invited reviews of Yi-Fu Tuan’s last-published books, Romantic Geography and The Last Launch
Other Interests & Projects:
Aesthetics and Architecture
Botany (specifically Phytogeography/Geobotany)
Curriculum Development and Assessment
Digital/GeoHumanities & Popular/New/Social Media
Geographic Thought & Epistemology
Guerilla/MacGyver Field Studies/Methods/Techniques
Medieval & Renaissance Cartography
Mythology, Religion, & Belief Systems
Photogeomorphology and Historic Repeat Photography
Rock Art and Geoarchaeology